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Solved (2023-12-01, 23:05) - Systems should be back to normal. There are some fallouts to ISG services from this second outage which is worked on.
Update (2023-12-01, 22:15) - ID-NET working on resolving the issue.
Problem (2023-12-01, 22:00) - There are again unexpected downtimes to the network. Services are unreachable.
Completed (2023-12-01, 21:00) - Almost all services are so far recovered. ISG is monitoring systems for further fallouts.
Mainteannce (2023-12-01, 20:25) - Systems are slowly recovering. Some clients cannot be recovered and will need to be reset.
Maintenance (2023-12-01, 20:10) - ID-NET localized the problem and working on the problem. Systems are coming back. ISG is monitoring the system status and take action as needed for the fallouts in service recovery.
Maintenance (2023-12-01, 20:00) - We were able to reach out to the ID-NET. There is a problem with the switchover and the downtime prolonged.
Maintenance (2023-12-01, 19:35) - Maintenance of ETx router is still ongoing and systems are still not reachable. There are currently unclear prolonged downtimes for the networking zone.
Maintenance (2023-12-01, 19:00) - ID-NET team started with the router maintenance. Several services are now unreachable.
Info (2023-11-15, 11:40) - On Friday, December 1, 2023, between 19:00 and 22:00 ID network infrastructure team (ID-NET) will perform maintenance to the ETx zone router affecting network operation in the ETA, ETF, ETL, ETZ, VOA, VOB buildings (in the USZ - KUE, SHM26 and Unispital switches) and the data center (DCETX) in the ETZ. As part of the lifecycle maintenance the old ETx router will be removed and all the switches connected to it moved to a new router (already in operation).
During the maintenance window ID-NET expects an interruption to the whole data network including telephony and WLAN of approximately 15 minutes.
Please account for not having access to various network related services (e.g. user homes, network attached storage, websites, email, Slurm compute clusters, logins to clients) or stability of the clients.
All services should recover after the interruption depending on its duration. In case of hanging clients a reboot will be necessary.
Last updated: Monday, September 2, 2024 at 08:05